Eko Cahyono

Eko Cahyono, a dedicated Indonesian educator, has cantered his life's passion around education. With an extensive career spanning back to 2004, Eko has been actively involved in the education sector, collaborating on a multitude of education projects funded by donors across three diverse countries: Indonesia, Timor-Leste, and Singapore. Over the course of more than 15 years, he has developed a profound understanding of the critical gaps that exist between the supply and demand of educational services, encompassing issues related to access, quality, and governance.

Eko Cahyono’s impactful journey includes collaborations with prestigious organisations such as USAID and WHO, where he has left a lasting imprint on the education community. His primary focus lies in addressing the needs of out-of-school children, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to ensuring that every child has the opportunity to access quality education. Eko Cahyono's work exemplifies his dedication to bridging educational disparities and making a positive impact on the lives of underserved youth.