Climate change is one of the most significant environmental challenges facing the world today. It is caused by human activities such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes that release Green House Gases (GHG) into the atmosphere. The need of the hour is to preserve natural resources and ecosystems for future generations by balancing human needs with the health of the planet. Environmental sustainability and climate change are closely linked, and addressing one requires addressing the other.
Nucleion promotes environmental sustainability through various mediums at the stakeholder, implementors, enforcement agency and government levels. We assist in identifying relevant risks and develop mitigating strategies associated with environmental footprint. The main focus areas being addressed by Nucleion include the following
Pollution is the largest environmental cause of disease and premature death. Pollution management offers no-regrets options that can alleviate poverty, boost shared prosperity, and address the vital demands of millions of people for healthier and more productive lives. Pollution management can make substantial contributions to climate change mitigation through actions such as reduction of black carbon and methane emissions, which contribute to both air pollution and climate change.
Nucleion is aligned with the public health program that aims to improve access to clean water, sanitation facilities and hygiene practices to promote basic hygiene practices in rural and urban areas. We help achieve better WASH discipline at community, national and international levels through our dedicated approach and specific tools designed for the purpose.